Randy is a Serial Entrepreneur, leadership and delegation master. He has been fortunate enough to become a #1 International Best-Selling Author on Amazon. And is a father, friend, and trusted ally to many. He has a passion for business and has achieved many accomplishments throughout his journey of being an entrepreneur. 

Randy’s goal and mission in life are to pass on to others the same proven methods, tools, and strategies that I had to learn the hard way.

In this episode, he talks to Dean Jackson. Real estate coach and Internet marketer Dean Jackson has figured out the secret to successful syndication. He has spent his career finding innovative strategies on how to achieve and experience success, as well as create the ultimate lifestyle, and has applied these concepts to many different industries and markets simply by replicating his original formula. He has his own podcast ‘I Love Marketing’ with Joe Polish and has written many successful books such as DNA Breakthrough. 

Dean discusses how he helped Tony Robbins enter the internet marketing world in the mid-2000s and Tony went full immersion and put together a dream team of marketing pro’s to do a deep dive on how this all applies and it eventually developed into the series “The New Money Masters program” 

The Joy of Procrastination is a podcast featuring Dean and Dan Sullivan, which is coming up on their 100th episode. Where Dean talks procrastination, and Dan Sullivan was sharing that it’s a great way of organizing your priorities. Dean says the problem is we are looking at our actions as nouns instead of as verbs, as an example your objective is to do a sales presentation the thing you’re putting on your todo list is “Do a Sales Presentation” the strategy Dean uses is to write it as a verb or action “Brainstorm Sales Presentation” because it lessens the resistance to starting. You have now broken it down into actions. And even if you give yourself just 10 minutes to brainstorm, some action items come out of that, and it’s an immediate way to bust out of procrastination.

Randy suggests chunking your projects down into small actions so that it’s not so overwhelming and you’re less likely to procrastinate. Once you realize there is an endless supply of items on your list, brainstorming can help you create actions. And as your brainstorming, you may find out that there are some things in that bigger item that you don’t know how to do. So that brings us to focus on “who” can help us get that item done, rather than “how”

Finding people to accomplish your how’s also frees you up as the entrepreneur to focus on the bigger picture items and allows for someone who is most likely better at the How to get it done more effectively, efficiently and properly then you would have done it in the first place. Which in turn helps you become more profitable, especially if all your time is only spent earning revenue.

Dean uses the example of Kylie Jenner and how she became a billionaire in less than 3 years, the thing that is amazing about it is that she has a team of only 7 people. That is a testament to who not how to approach. The interesting comment Dean often hears is … “well that’s Kylie Jenner, she’s not self-made…she had money, etc… but it misses the whole point” She is following the same playbook as other large companies who operate lean.

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